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Site owner and responsible for the content of this website:
Markus Ottiger
Eichholzweg 16
6312 Steinhausen
Phone +41 41 7431001
Fax +41 41 7431002
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Since 1995 the software company INFONAUTICS GmbH develops innovative, reliable and user-friendly software for small and mid-sized companies. The software development of the Swiss based company can be divided into the following 3 fields:
• Custom software for small and mid-sized companies
• Software solutions
• Shareware and freeware
Custom Software
Custom-built software solutions offer the benefit to comply with your individual requirements where standard software does not. Based on our long-time experience in software development INFONAUTICS GmbH develops customized software solutions which fit perfectly into already existing IT infrastructure and ensures that project costs remain within the agreed budget, by the agreed schedule.
Shareware / Freeware
The shareware tools by INFONAUTICS GmbH can provide great support in the daily business. The various tools can directly be downloaded free of charge and be tested thoroughly before purchase. For Shareware there is a refund period of 14 days from the day after completion of the transaction.
The guiding principle of the company reads as follows:
Software Solutions – Clever. Easy. Reliable